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Sleep has a strong connection with appetite and weight gain. Sleep affects body energy usage and hormone regulation. Research has proved that there is strong evidence of less sleep and high body mass index (BMI).

In this article, we will discuss the facts that show the relationship between sleep, appetite and weight gain... Basically, appetite is regulated by HORMONES Hormones are secretions produced by our body to regulate several mechanisms inside the body.

To control body weight and appetite two hormones are responsible i.e. Leptin and Ghrelin. Leptin is a hormone that is secreted by fat body cells (adipocytes) that is responsible for appetite and energy balance. To get more info,click the link

It gives a message to the brain that the body energy source is full and don’t need additional energy reserves. This hormone produces the feeling of fullness and satiated that prevents overeating.

Ghrelin is also secreted by fat cells in the body, but it is secreted antagonist to leptin. It gives a message to the brain that body energy source is depleted and need more energy, that ultimately makes the person hungry. To get more info, click the link

This hormone promotes overeating or increased appetite. The hormones ghrelin and leptin have a great role in regulating appetite.

If a person sleep is affected that not only makes that person lethargic but also affects the appetite. Due to a shortage of sleep, the leptin levels drop in the body and the hormone ghrelin level increases that effects the appetite.

This was proved by a study of Mignot based on a population of 1024 patients. They found that people who were taking sleep less than 8 hours per day had high ghrelin and decreased leptin level in the body. To get more info click the link

They also found that sleep duration also effects BMI such as people who were taking at least 8 hours of sleep had normal BMI while people who were taking less than 8 hours of sleep showed increased BMI.

It is highly recommended to take 8 hours of sleep every night to have a healthy lifestyle. Sleep not only keeps you healthy and active but also helps the brain to get rid of the effects of stress, which has similar effects on hormonal levels if not managed properly.

If you have improper sleep one night, you will eat more the following day which doesn't help your weightloss plan.

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