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It’s very common for you to feel like you are not losing weight fast enough, despite faithfully sticking to your nutrition plan and your workout. There are many factors that can affect scale weight, some are:


So what causes weight fluctuation of 1 to 2 kilograms(KG) overnight or even over a couple of days? The main culprit is water retention. One pound equals just 15.34 fluid ounces of water. So, if you have 1 liter of extra water in your system, that’s more than two pounds of extra weight.

Another source cause is sodium(table salt) Consuming 400 milligrams of sodium, the amount in a single gram of table salt, causes your body to retain an extra 4 cups of water, which equals roughly 2 pounds. To get more info: click here

When people say that “just eating fast food once makes them gain weight overnight”. Fast food and processed food is high in sodium and causes weight fluctuations of 2 pounds or more when eaten.

Too much salt is the #1 reason for fluid retention and if your weight fluctuates often, pay attention to how much salt you are consuming.


When you start your weight-loss journey which includes a positive mindset, cardio, strength training and healthy diet plan.

Now you climb the scale after a week and it seems you aren't losing weight, you are gaining muscle mass and losing fat which means you're actually improving.

3: You're Binge Eating:

Binge eating is a common side effect of dieting. It involves rapidly eating large amounts of food, often much more than your body needs. To get more info: click here .

This is a significant problem for many dieters. Some of them binge on junk food, while others binge on relatively healthy foods.

Even if something is healthy, its calories still count. Depending on the volume, a single binge can often ruin an entire week's worth of workout and dieting...

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